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OVO Live - Terms & Conditions

  1. By registering for OVO Live, or applying for an OVO Live offer, you are deemed to have accepted these terms and conditions.

  2. We will only process your personal data in accordance with our Privacy Policy.

  3. The OVO Live service is open to OVO Energy customers only. This means that on the date that you apply to register for OVO Live, you must already be receiving your gas and electricity or just your electricity supply from us via our OVO Energy brand. This does not include where we are supplying
    you energy under our other brands.

  4. OVO Energy customers, who have registered for OVO Live, can get access to purchase tickets for the OVO Hydro and the OVO Arena Wembley up to 48 hours in advance of general release. This is subject to availability. There are a limited number of tickets available for purchase via OVO Live. Tickets will be sold on a 'first come first served' basis. Registration to OVO Live does not offer does not guarantee access to tickets or the best seats.

  5. The number of tickets available for customers to purchase is set out by the concert promoter. This limit will be advised when purchasing tickets.

  6. If you stop being an OVO Energy customer we will remove your access to purchase tickets for the OVO Hydro and the OVO Arena, Wembley via the OVO Live service.

  7. Tickets made available through OVO Live are for consumer customers only. If you are a business or trader, or acting on behalf of a business or trader, then you should not purchase tickets via OVO Live. Any tickets purchased by businesses or traders in breach of these conditions may be cancelled and you may be prevented from accessing OVO Live benefits in the future.

  8. We reserve the right to verify the eligibility of applicants. We may require such information as we consider reasonably necessary for the purpose of verifying the eligibility of an applicant and the tickets may be withheld until and unless OVO is satisfied with the verification.

  9. Any use of OVO Live service is entirely at your own risk and in no event shall we be liable for any indirect, incidental or consequential damages including without limitation loss of income, data or other information as a result of the use of OVO Live service.

  10. We'll not be responsible if your application for an OVO Live offer is incomplete, lost, delayed or not received.

  11. OVO Live customers can apply to purchase tickets from the authorised ticket agent or ticketing partner of the applicable venue, via the OVO Live site. Currently tickets are supplied by Ticketmaster for the OVO Hydro, AXS for the OVO Arena, Wembley. . We are not responsible for and do not accept any liability, either express or implied in respect of such tickets. Ticketmaster and AXS standard purchase policy applies to all ticket purchases.

  12. You acknowledge and agree that we are not responsible for the availability of any Ticketmaster and AXS products and services or what you access through OVO Live. We shall not be held responsible or liable for any content, advertising, products or services available from Ticketmaster, Ticketline and AXS. Any dealings between you and Ticketmaster or AXS via OVO Live, including payment for and delivery of products, services and any other terms, conditions, warranties or representations associated with such dealings, are made between you and Ticketmaster or AXS. Therefore, we are not responsible or liable for any loss or damage of any kind incurred as the result of any such dealings.

  13. We accept no liability or responsibility for any of Ticketmaster’s, or AXS’s bookings, products and services. Ticketmaster, Ticketline and AXS will be supplying products and services to you on their own standard terms and conditions.

  14. We have the right to remove your access to purchase tickets for the OVO Hydro and the OVO Arena, Wembley via the OVO Live service at any time.

  15. Venue Terms and Conditions - Entrance to an event is subject to the standard conditions of entry specified by the venue.

  16. Ticketmaster, Ticketline, AXS and our decision as to ticket allocations is final and no correspondence will be entered into. Applications and ticket purchases not complying with these terms and conditions will be invalid.

  17. We reserve the right to change these terms and conditions at any time. By continuing to use the OVO Live service you will be deemed to have accepted the varied terms and conditions which will be posted here.

  18. These terms and conditions are governed by English Law and you and we submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English Courts.

  19. The promoter of this OVO Live is OVO Energy Ltd of 1 Rivergate, Temple
    Quay, Bristol BS1 6ED.